This is just a small post meant for all those poor souls like me who couldn’t get xdebug configured as easy as it should be. The steps are quite straight forward but still I got cought up in “the set up” for nearly 3hours.
Mac OS X Sierra
PHP 7.1
I am assuming that you have homebrew installed on your mac.
Step 1: Run brew doctor in the terminal and follow the onscreen instructions to fix issues with homebrew if any.
Step 2: To install xdebug, run brew install phpXX-xdebug where XX stands for the PHP version that you are using. For example, if you are using PHP 7.1, run brew install php71-xdebug and if you are using PHP 7.0, run brew install php70-xdebug.
Step 3: Navigate to /usr/local/etc/php/7.1/conf.d and add the following lines to ext-xdebug.ini.
Step 4: The first line in the file
zend_extension="/usr/local/opt/php71-xdebug/" will be already present in the file. Please add this if not already present.
Step 5: By default, xdebug runns on port 9000. I have changed it to 9333 as I have other stuff that runs on port 9000
Step 6: You can monitor the xdebug logs by uncommenting this line
; xdebug.remote_log=/usr/local/etc/php/7.1/xdebug.log.
Pleasee note that this file can get really really big over the time. So, once you have got xdebug up and running, it is a good idea to stop the log.
Step 7: In PHP storm, under preferences, navigate to Languages & Frameworks > PHP > Debug and set the following parameters
External connections
Detect path mappings from deployment configurations
Break at first line in PHP Scripts
Debug port 9333(the same port nummber that we give in step 5)
Check ‘Can accept external connections’
Check ‘Force break at the first line when no path mapping specified’
Check ‘Force break at the first line when a script is outside the project’
Step 8: In PHP storm, under preferences, navigate to *Languages & Frameworks > PHP > Servers * create a configuration for the local server and add xdebug as the debugger.
Step 9: Once you have configured the server, you would need to create a debug configuration. For this navigate to Edit configurations under Run menu and add a new configuration based on PHP Remote debug. For this, click on the + icon on the top left corner and select the server created in step 8 as the server and give the value of xdebug.idekey in step 3 as the Ide Key and give a suitable name to the configuration
Step 10: Now, select the debug configuration and start listening for the debug connections by clicking on the receiver icon in PHPStorm. Once you have done this, the debug window will open inside php when your script is run.
Let’s see how we can customize Eloquent’s polymorphic relations. The default documentation is not quite clear about how you can use regular column names instead of weird column names like “commentable”, “postable” etc.
Problem statement
We have two Models for storing the Address and Customer details of a firm. An Address may be associated with a person or a company as these two are subsets of the firm’s customers. A Customer can have more than one address associated with them. Since the customer can be either a company or a person, we can represent this scenario using a polymorphic relation between Customer, Company and Address.
On Address model we will have a column to store the customer’s id and another column to represent whether the customer is a company or a person.
The arguments passed to the morphTo method has to match the column name for the foreign key on the model that is common to the other two models. Conside the following case,
In this case, there should be a column on the Address modal with name xxxx_id to represent the foreign key of the related model on the shared model table and there should be a column named yyyyy on the shared model to represnt the type. That is column yyyyy on address table should represnt whether the id on the xxxx_id column represents a company or a customer.
Saving relations – Adding a new address to a customer
HWI OAuth bundle needs Sensio Buzz bundle for proper functioning. So, add the buzz bundle to your project if it is not already added. You may download it from here. If it is not added,
you may get an error message like this
Fatal error: Class 'Buzz\Client\Curl' not found in /home/xxxx/my-projects/OAuthProject/app/cache/dev/appDevDebugProjectContainer.php on line 2110 Call Stack: 0.0001 321828 1
To avoid this, copy the contents of atached along with this to PROJECT_ROOT/vendor
Also, add the namespace for the OAuth bundle and the Buzz bundle to autoload.php
5.Add the resource owners in the config.yml.
For this, we need to register our app in Google and Facebook and obtain the client_id and the client_secret. In addition to that, we have to provide a redirect URL while configuring the app. The response after authenticating the user by the service providers is sent to this URL.
For Google, this redirect URL is This address should be provide against the field labelled ‘Redirect URIs’. Please see the screenshot below.
For Facebook, once you register the app, click on ‘Add platform’ button and register your app as a web app. The redirect URL for Facebook is Enter this URL in ‘Site URL’ field and ‘Mobile Site URL ’ field under ‘Website’. Please see the screenshot below.
Then, provide the client_id and client_secret for Facebook and Google in the config.yml file
hwi_oauth:#name of the firewall in which this bundle is active, this setting MUST be setfirewall_name:main(What ever firewall name that you have specified in security.yml)target_path_parameter:/resource_owners:facebook:type:facebookclient_id:48000000093708client_secret:cda9csdsdsds8dc4dc0699448385c9016c7scope:"email"google:type:googleclient_id:872410845454.apps.googleusercontent.comclient_secret:_rFBqWyAGHFvbdN-EgUs52uGK2Zscope:""
6.Create a User Provider Service
The bundle needs a service that is able to load users based on the user response of the oauth endpoint and the service should implement HWI\Bundle\OAuthBundle\Security\Core\User\OAuthAwareUserProviderInterface.
For this, first create a class caller XYZOAuthUserProvider .
Checking whether the OAuth user exists in the local database
By default, a user who logs in through facebook or google is given ROLE_USER, and ROLE_OAUTH_USER. In this case, even though all the details required for a registered user are not available from Google or Facebook, the user still have all the privileges of ROLE_USER. This should not be the case. The user should
not be granted all the provileges unless he completes his profile. So, for a user who logs in through Google or Facebook is given only ROLE_OAUTH_USER if he is not present in the database. If he is present in the database, he is granted ROLE_USER when he logs in through Google or Facebook. So, there should be a mechanism to check whether the OAUth user is present in the database or not.
Step 1
Edit vendor/bundles/HWI/Bundle/OAuthBundle/Security/Core/User/OAuthUser.php
and modify the getRoles() function to return only ROLE_OAUTH_USER as role.
Import the namespace of the bundle containing the User entity to OAuthUserProvider.php so that we can get the container inside OAuthUserProvider.php.
In the original configuration loadUserByOAuthUserResponse() function calls the loadUserByUsername() function with nickname as the arguement. The nickname is obtained from the server response. In our entity user provider, we have defined email as a unique field. So, to check whether user exists in the database, we can use email. For this, we need to obtain the email from the response.
Although UserResponseInterface class has a getEmail() method, this won’t return the email address for all the service providers as the response for each service provider is different
A var_dump() for the response object for Facebook and Google are given below
3. To check whether the user exists in the database, edit loadUserByUsername($username) function as given below
publicfunctionloadUserByUsername($username){//get the entity manager$em=CMSBundle::getContainer()->get('doctrine')->getEntityManager();//load the user from DB$entity=$em->getRepository('XYZBundle:User')->loadUserByUsername($username);if(!$entity){//if the user does not exist, then return a new OAuth user$user=newOAuthUser($username);}else{// if the user exists, return that user$user=$entity;}return$user;}
4. Then, hide or show options in the twig file according to the role of the user.
When more than one forms are associated with the same entity, the form validator will validate all the properties of that entity for all forms associated with that entity. This would result in form errors as all the forms may not have fields for all the properties of that entity. For example, consider a User entity with username, email address, password, name and phone number as properties. The user needs to enter all these properties when he is initially registering. When the user needs to edit his profile, there he can’t edit username and e mail address as these two properties are non-editable. So, the form for editing the profile won’t have fields for username and e mail. If the we are using the normal validation, when the user tries to update his profile, the form validation would fail as Symfony would validate the form for username and e mail constraints too. To prevent this, we create validation groups. By creating validation groups, we define separate set of validation constraints for different forms.
1. When writing a validation constraint, specify the validation group against it
username: - NotBlank:~-MinLength:{limit:5,groups:[userRegistration]}address:-MinLength:{limit:10,groups:[userUpdate]}phoneNumber:-NotBlank:~-MinLength:{limit:10}-Typetype:integermessage:phone number should contain only numbers
2.Specify the validation group in the form class in the getDefaultOptions function
4.If the validation group is not specified when the form is created, the form will be validated for all the default validation constraints(The constraints for which a validation group is not specified)
That is, in our case, a form created with no validation group would get validated only for the phone number field.